Railway Labour Summit Meeting
March 3, 2014
Twenty-six representatives from the five unions that represent workers at CN met February 19 and 20, 2014 in Montreal to discuss common issues that affect workers and unions at CN. The meeting was dubbed as the Railway Labour Summit Meeting.
Representatives attending this meeting for Unifor National Council 4000: President Barry Kennedy along with Regional Representatives Ron Shore, Jared White, Wesley Gajda, Dave Kissack, Serge Auger and Patrick Murray; for Unifor Local 100: President Ken Hiatt and Regional Vice Presidents Terry McKimm, Zoltan Czippel, Drew Ratajewski and Jacques Ouimet; for IBEW System 11: International Representative Luc Couture and Senior General Chairman Brian Strong, General Chairman Ron Hewson and Assistant General Chairman Lee Hooper; for Teamsters Canada Rail Conference: General Chairpersons Bruce Willows, Jim Robbins, Shelly Brownlee and Randy Caldwell; Vice General Chairs Bob Ermet, Ray Donegan and Wade Martin; and for the United Steel Workers Local 2004: President Randy Koch and Chief Stewards Pierre Jacques and Michel Lacroix.
We are pleased to report that this meeting was a success. So much so that a second meeting has been scheduled for September 17 and 18 of this year in a location that has yet to be determined.
Click here to read a summary of this meeting as issued jointly by all five unions. (PDF)
Related: February 14, 2014 - Railway Labour Summit Meeting
Representatives attending this meeting for Unifor National Council 4000: President Barry Kennedy along with Regional Representatives Ron Shore, Jared White, Wesley Gajda, Dave Kissack, Serge Auger and Patrick Murray; for Unifor Local 100: President Ken Hiatt and Regional Vice Presidents Terry McKimm, Zoltan Czippel, Drew Ratajewski and Jacques Ouimet; for IBEW System 11: International Representative Luc Couture and Senior General Chairman Brian Strong, General Chairman Ron Hewson and Assistant General Chairman Lee Hooper; for Teamsters Canada Rail Conference: General Chairpersons Bruce Willows, Jim Robbins, Shelly Brownlee and Randy Caldwell; Vice General Chairs Bob Ermet, Ray Donegan and Wade Martin; and for the United Steel Workers Local 2004: President Randy Koch and Chief Stewards Pierre Jacques and Michel Lacroix.
We are pleased to report that this meeting was a success. So much so that a second meeting has been scheduled for September 17 and 18 of this year in a location that has yet to be determined.
Click here to read a summary of this meeting as issued jointly by all five unions. (PDF)
Related: February 14, 2014 - Railway Labour Summit Meeting