Rail Safety Week
April 25, 2015
Every year, approximately 100 Canadians die or suffer serious injuries on railway tracks that they should not be on. There are some 16,000 public highway-railway crossings in Canada and most collisions occur within 40 km of the person’s home.
In recognizing the importance of preventing accidents and potential injuries at railway rights-of-way, Operation Lifesaver was created. Operation Lifesaver is a non-profit, international public education program first established in the United States in 1972 to end collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and on railroad rights-of-way. |
Operation Lifesaver began operating in Canada as a public education program, jointly funded by Transport Canada and the Railway Association of Canada in 1981. Through partnerships with provincial safety councils, police, railways, the trucking industry and community groups, Operation Lifesaver is dedicated to saving lives by educating Canadians about the hazards surrounding highway/railway crossings and trespassing on railway property.
Operation Lifesaver spreads its motto of “Look, Listen and Live” through its many year-long initiatives that complement the annual public "Rail Safety Week".
For the past 13 years, the partners of Operation Lifesaver have held Rail Safety Week, aimed at building safety awareness around Canadian railway operations. This year, Rail Safety Week runs from April 27 to May 3, 2015.
Fittingly, the National Day of Mourning takes place during Rail Safety Week.
For more information on Rail Safety Week and Operation Lifesaver, click on the links below:
Apr.25, 2015 - April 28 is the National Day of Mourning
Operation Lifesaver spreads its motto of “Look, Listen and Live” through its many year-long initiatives that complement the annual public "Rail Safety Week".
For the past 13 years, the partners of Operation Lifesaver have held Rail Safety Week, aimed at building safety awareness around Canadian railway operations. This year, Rail Safety Week runs from April 27 to May 3, 2015.
Fittingly, the National Day of Mourning takes place during Rail Safety Week.
For more information on Rail Safety Week and Operation Lifesaver, click on the links below:
Apr.25, 2015 - April 28 is the National Day of Mourning
The above video is targeted at professional truck drivers as part of their continuing educational requirements and highlights the five most common situations they face when coming into proximity with railroad grade crossings.