Unifor Council 4000 Regional Local Elections
June 6, 2016
As in accordance the Unifor Constitution and the Bylaws of Unifor National Council 4000 and its five Regional Local Unions across Canada, every three years in the months of May and/or June, Local Union elections are held for the positions of Local Union President, Vice-President, Secretary Treasurer, Local Trustees, National Council 4000 Trustees, Recording Secretaries, Local Chairpersons and various other Local Union Committee positions.
This year - 2016 - marks the end of the current three year terms for these positions. Nominations have been posted or are in the process of being posted for various Local Union positions. Some Locals have already completed this process while others have conducted elections for Local Chairpersons, Vice-Local Chairpersons, Recording Secretaries, Trustees, Grievance Committee members and other Local Union Committees, but are still in the process of completing elections for Local Union Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Local Secretary Treasurers. |
The nominations and election process is to be posted in the various workplaces of Unifor Council 4000 across Canada.
For information on the nomination and election process in your respective Unifor Local Union (Unifor Local 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, or 4005), please contact your Local Union by clicking here to receive more information. Any member in good standing with Unifor may run for a position in their Local Union, and all members in good standing are entitled to vote in these elections.
We will post all the results on unifor4000.com and our social media sites once all the elections are completed across the country.
Elections for the positions of President, Secretary Treasurer and National Election Committee members for Unifor National Council 4000 will be held following the Triennial Convention of Council 4000, which will be held this year in Winnipeg, Manitoba from November 24 to 26, 2016. Nominations for these positions are conducted at the convention as in accordance the Bylaws of Unifor Council 4000.
For information on the nomination and election process in your respective Unifor Local Union (Unifor Local 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, or 4005), please contact your Local Union by clicking here to receive more information. Any member in good standing with Unifor may run for a position in their Local Union, and all members in good standing are entitled to vote in these elections.
We will post all the results on unifor4000.com and our social media sites once all the elections are completed across the country.
Elections for the positions of President, Secretary Treasurer and National Election Committee members for Unifor National Council 4000 will be held following the Triennial Convention of Council 4000, which will be held this year in Winnipeg, Manitoba from November 24 to 26, 2016. Nominations for these positions are conducted at the convention as in accordance the Bylaws of Unifor Council 4000.