Unifor prepares for VIA Rail Leadership meeting
June 14, 2016
Unifor National Council 4000 and Local 100 reached new four year tentative agreements for members at VIA Rail late Sunday evening, an hour before the strike deadline of Monday 00:01 hours, averting work stoppage.
The Master Bargaining Committee believe that the decision to deliver the 72 hour strike notice on Thursday evening sent a strong message to the corporation that we were prepared to challenge the employer and initiate a dispute if necessary.
With National President Jerry Dias joining the talks on Sunday, a convincing message was sent to VIA Rail that it was time to get serious about negotiations. That the time had come to address the outstanding issues affecting our members on a day to day basis, prior to proceeding with any economic proposals.
That message, backed up by the 96% strike vote support from our members undoubtedly made a difference in the outcome of bargaining and we must again acknowledge the unwavering support of our members.
Our members can appreciate the enormous pressure VIA placed on the bargaining committees, despite this, the tentative deals for Agreement #1, #2 and #3 includes wage increases each year of the agreement, benefit improvements, protection and maintaining our work rules and we maintained our hard earned gains of the past while making progress in other areas of the agreement.
On Wednesday June 15, Unifor National Council 4000 and Local 100 will be presenting details of the agreement to assembled workplace leadership from across the country for their support. Following that meeting the ratification process will be organized. Highlights brochures are being readied for distribution.
We must also recognize the two National Strike Coordinators, Brother Ken Cameron, Council 4000 Agreements #1 and #2 and Brother Chris Garrod, Local 100 – Agreement #3 who spent an enormous amount of time communicating with our leadership through regular conference calls, preparing our members at all locations in the event of a dispute were to happen.
Once again we encourage the full participation and support of our members at the ratification meetings. Without question this round of bargaining was incredibly challenging. The Master Bargaining Committee wants to express their sincere appreciation for the unwavering support of our leadership and membership.
The Master Bargaining Committee believe that the decision to deliver the 72 hour strike notice on Thursday evening sent a strong message to the corporation that we were prepared to challenge the employer and initiate a dispute if necessary.
With National President Jerry Dias joining the talks on Sunday, a convincing message was sent to VIA Rail that it was time to get serious about negotiations. That the time had come to address the outstanding issues affecting our members on a day to day basis, prior to proceeding with any economic proposals.
That message, backed up by the 96% strike vote support from our members undoubtedly made a difference in the outcome of bargaining and we must again acknowledge the unwavering support of our members.
Our members can appreciate the enormous pressure VIA placed on the bargaining committees, despite this, the tentative deals for Agreement #1, #2 and #3 includes wage increases each year of the agreement, benefit improvements, protection and maintaining our work rules and we maintained our hard earned gains of the past while making progress in other areas of the agreement.
On Wednesday June 15, Unifor National Council 4000 and Local 100 will be presenting details of the agreement to assembled workplace leadership from across the country for their support. Following that meeting the ratification process will be organized. Highlights brochures are being readied for distribution.
We must also recognize the two National Strike Coordinators, Brother Ken Cameron, Council 4000 Agreements #1 and #2 and Brother Chris Garrod, Local 100 – Agreement #3 who spent an enormous amount of time communicating with our leadership through regular conference calls, preparing our members at all locations in the event of a dispute were to happen.
Once again we encourage the full participation and support of our members at the ratification meetings. Without question this round of bargaining was incredibly challenging. The Master Bargaining Committee wants to express their sincere appreciation for the unwavering support of our leadership and membership.
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You may also follow our negotiations on Twitter using the hash tag: #Unifor4000VIAnegs.