Unifor VIA Rail Bargaining Update
December 4, 2020
Your bargaining committees are wrapping up a critical week in this round of negotiations.
Together, we tabled common economics proposals for all three collective agreements, as well as non-common economics proposals for Local 100’s agreement 3 and the Council 4000’s Agreements 1 and 2.
The bargaining committees are being supported by Corey Vermey, Unifor’s Director of Pensions and Benefits. Brother Vermey assisted in a dedicated pensions meetings and sat across the table from the company concerning pensions and benefits.
This week, Council 4000 was served estoppel notices by the Company relating to the concessions that VIA Rail is pushing for the Council. Estoppel is a legal defense tool that is applied when a party to the collective agreement reneges or contradicts a previous agreement, but Unifor does not agree with the Company’s assertion or with the concessions.
We have additional dates scheduled December 15-18 where we await the company’s response.
This week made one thing clear, that the two locals are united at the table, and share a common goal of using every strength that we have to bargain a good contract for all members.
For Local 100 members, the first step in your support for a stronger contract is to add your name to the growing list of members pledging to stay with Unifor, and say no to the raid by the CSN. Start today by signing your card - join.unifor.org/viarail.
The union does not bargain in public, but we will use these tools to update you as often as possible. We would ask all members to not listen to the Employer for updates, or entertain rumours that may come up during the bargaining process. Please reach out to your local union representatives for additional information or with questions.
In solidarity,
Your VIA Rail Bargaining Committees
Together, we tabled common economics proposals for all three collective agreements, as well as non-common economics proposals for Local 100’s agreement 3 and the Council 4000’s Agreements 1 and 2.
The bargaining committees are being supported by Corey Vermey, Unifor’s Director of Pensions and Benefits. Brother Vermey assisted in a dedicated pensions meetings and sat across the table from the company concerning pensions and benefits.
This week, Council 4000 was served estoppel notices by the Company relating to the concessions that VIA Rail is pushing for the Council. Estoppel is a legal defense tool that is applied when a party to the collective agreement reneges or contradicts a previous agreement, but Unifor does not agree with the Company’s assertion or with the concessions.
We have additional dates scheduled December 15-18 where we await the company’s response.
This week made one thing clear, that the two locals are united at the table, and share a common goal of using every strength that we have to bargain a good contract for all members.
For Local 100 members, the first step in your support for a stronger contract is to add your name to the growing list of members pledging to stay with Unifor, and say no to the raid by the CSN. Start today by signing your card - join.unifor.org/viarail.
The union does not bargain in public, but we will use these tools to update you as often as possible. We would ask all members to not listen to the Employer for updates, or entertain rumours that may come up during the bargaining process. Please reach out to your local union representatives for additional information or with questions.
In solidarity,
Your VIA Rail Bargaining Committees