November 17, 2014
Unite to End Violence Against Women 'A Promise is A Promise' is the official video of the United Nations Secretary-General's Campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women. November 25, 2014 is the: International Day to End Violence Against Women Read more on this important issue by clicking here |
November 12, 2014
Veteran Harry Leslie Smith is taking a last stand "As one of the last remaining survivors of the Great Depression and the Second World War, I will not go gently into that good night," says Smith, 91, who was born in a coal-mining town in Britain but immigrated to Canada and now lives in Belleville, Ontario. Smith is the author of the new book, Harry's Last Stand, which, in his words, is "a rallying cry to a younger generation" to fight for a social safety net "that allows every citizen the right to decent housing, advanced education, proper health care, a living wage, and a dignified old age free of want." Mr. Smith did not go to war for the sake that in later years, only the wealthy and corporate elite of today shall live in a decent society. |
September 29, 2014
Unifor - Year One Defining Moments In one year, Unifor has established itself as a force to be reckoned with and a dynamic presence in defending workers' rights and seeking equality for all Canadians. Unifor celebrated its first birthday and anniversary this past Labour Day weekend, 2014. |
September 8, 2014
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Unifor National President Jerry Dias takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge |
August 13, 2014
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate The new book by Canadian journalist, activist and public intellectual Naomi Klein hits stores on September 16. For more info, tour dates, or to buy the book: http://thischangeseverything.org/ In a speech to delegates at last year's founding convention of Unifor, Klein said that it was well past time that working people and industrial interests get their minds around what climate science is dictating to humanity about the current economic model of corporate-dominated global capitalism. Climate change should not be framed as a disaster, but as an enormous opportunity to reshape the political paradigm and the fight for global justice that Unions must join. |
June 13, 2014
Women - call to creative action! The 1st National Unifor Women's Conference is being held August 10 to 13 at the Unifor Family Education Centre at Port Elgin, Ontario. The theme of the first conference is: "I am a feminist. Now what? The rising of the women means the rising of us all" Unifor women are invited to participate in a collaborative project that will be displayed throughout the Family Education Centre, a project that will reflect the voices and experiences of Unifor Women. Unifor represents more than 86,000 women in every region of the country, in more than 20 economic sectors, and play an important role in every structure of the union. |
June 9, 2014
Ontario Votes - A special message from Jerry Dias On June 12, Ontarians head to the polls for an important general election. The decisions they make will determine the future of our province for many years to come. Unifor National President Jerry Dias has an important message for Unifor members in Ontario - with PC Leader Tim Hudak, there's too much at stake! Read more on the 2014 Ontario Election here! |
May 15, 2014
CLC Fairness Works Campaign (Spring TV Ad) When workers get together and stand up for fairness, they get results. Together, working people have won decent wages, safer workplaces, fair treatment and benefits like paid vacation time, job training, and insurance coverage for things like glasses, dental care, and medicine that keep them healthy and productive. They didn’t stop there. What they got at work, they got for everybody else by standing together and demanding more from the people they elected to boards, councils and legislatures. That’s how we all got some of the things most of us take for granted today; minimum wages, statutory holidays, paid vacation time, public health insurance, public pensions, weekends, etc. Together, working people built Canada’s middle class and created a country with fairness as one of its fundamental values. |
April 21, 2014
Stop the Unfair Elections Act Over 100,000 Canadians have joined forces with the Canadian Federation of Students, Leadnow and the Council of Canadians to raise the alarm about voter suppression in Canada. The Conservative Party's "Fair Elections Act", Bill C-23, will threaten our democratic rights and muzzle Elections Canada. If the Unfair Elections Act is passed, over 1000 Canadians could be denied their vote. For more information - www.letpeoplevote.ca |
April 7, 2014
Martin Luther King's Last Speech It was on April 3, 1968 that Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his last speech popularly referred to as "I've Been to the Mountaintop" at the Mason Temple in Memphis, TN. The next day after this speech he would be assassinated. Mr. King was in Memphis in support of black sanitary public works employees, represented by AFSCME Local 1733, who had been on strike since March 12 for higher wages and better treatment. |
March 25, 2014
Use your Power - Be a Super Hero for the Planet On March 29 at 8:30 p.m. local time, cities from across Canada and around the world turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. Earth Hour is a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) event to raise awareness about climate change and symbolize that working together, the people of the world can make a difference in the fight against climate change. March 29, 2014 is Earth Hour |
March 1, 2014
Getting on Board: A vision for Passenger Rail Renewal in Canada Unifor launched a campaign in Toronto on passenger rail renewal, calling on the federal government, the opposition parties, provincial and municipal governments, VIA Rail and other stakeholders to engage and participate in a national discussion on the future of passenger rail. |
January 3, 2014 Tribute Video to the CAW; circa 1985-2013 As we enter the New Year 2014, it is fitting to post the tribute video to our former national union, CAW-Canada. This video was played on August 30, 2013 during the Founding Convention of our new union, Unifor, and on the final day of the CAW. |
September 1, 2013
August Stompa by Serena Ryder Courtesy Universal Music Canada. This is Unifor! Members of Unifor (and a couple of their offspring) from across Canada appearing in this photo animation to celebrate the formation of the new union. As Canada's largest private sector union with more than 300,000 members in every major sector of the economy, Unifor is committed to creating a strong and effective union -- making positive change in communities and workplaces across the country. |