Thanks and Goodbyes to Regional Representatives Serge Auger and Jared White
June 29, 2015
Following the recent elections for Unifor Council 4000 Regional Representatives and Secretary Treasurer, we must say goodbye to a couple of members who are leaving.
Brother Serge Auger has been the Regional Representative for Unifor Council 4000 and Local 4004 since July 1, 2006. Over the past three years, he has represented Unifor Local 4004 members working under Agreement 1 at VIA Rail, and Agreement 5.1 and the 5.1 Supplemental Agreement at CN.
To lose someone with Brother Auger’s experience and knowledge of the job and the collective agreements is not easy, but this is one of the difficult aspects of elections. Brother Auger will be returning to VIA Rail’s operations in Montreal.
We thank Brother Auger for his years of service and dedication to the membership he served and to his Union.
Brother Serge Auger has been the Regional Representative for Unifor Council 4000 and Local 4004 since July 1, 2006. Over the past three years, he has represented Unifor Local 4004 members working under Agreement 1 at VIA Rail, and Agreement 5.1 and the 5.1 Supplemental Agreement at CN.
To lose someone with Brother Auger’s experience and knowledge of the job and the collective agreements is not easy, but this is one of the difficult aspects of elections. Brother Auger will be returning to VIA Rail’s operations in Montreal.
We thank Brother Auger for his years of service and dedication to the membership he served and to his Union.
Brother Auger is being replaced by Mario Laroche, who was elected the new Regional Representative for Unifor Local 4004 members working under Agreement 1 at VIA Rail, and Agreement 5.1 and the 5.1 Supplemental Agreement at CN.
Jared White served as the Regional Representative responsible for the servicing of Unifor Local 4003 members at CN and Toronto Terminals Railway. Brother White chose not to run for another term. We thank him for his contributions the past three years.
Brother White is being replaced by Mark Robinson, who was elected the new Regional Representative for Unifor Local 4003 members at CN and Toronto Terminals Railway. The above changes take effect on Wednesday, July 1, 2015. |
Barry Kennedy
Unifor Council 4000
June 29, 2015 - Heather Grant Retiring from Unifor Council 4000
June 20, 2014 - Unifor Council 4000 Second Ballot Election Results
May 4, 2015 - Unifor Council 4000 Election Results