Unifor National Representative Bob Fitzgerald retiring
May 26, 2017
Unifor National Representative Bob Fitzgerald announced his retirement from Unifor and 47 years’ service with Canadian National Railway (CN).
Bob has had a long history of trade union activism since he was hired on with the CNR in 1970, working under Collective Agreement 5.1 in a variety of different jobs and departments, including CN Express, Diesel Shop, Carload Centre, Revenue Management and Crew Management to name a few. His career in the Union saw him serve in a variety of capacities, including Local Chairperson in stints with our predecessor Unions the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway, Transport and General Workers Union (CBRT&GW) and the CAW. Brother Fitzgerald went on to be elected twice as the Regional Representative of CAW National Council 4000’s Great Lakes Region responsible for servicing CAW Local 4003 members at CN, CNTL and TTR, and former Local 4003 members at Autoport and Coyote Terminals. Bob was also elected twice as the President of National Council 4000 prior to being appointed to the staff of the National Union July 27, 2009. The Unifor National Council 4000 Executive Board and full-time Regional Representatives held a retirement dinner for Brother Fitzgerald and his lovely wife Liz on May 12th in Toronto to celebrate and honour the many years of Bob’s contributions to the labour movement and to Council 4000. |
We wish the best for Bob and Liz best wishes with good health and prosperity in their years of retirement (for the record, Liz is still working), and thank Bob for his many years of service and contributions to our Council, Regional Local Unions and our Unifor membership.
May 26, 2017 Unifor Council 4000 President Barry Kennedy appointed National Representative
May 26, 2017 Unifor Council 4000 President Barry Kennedy appointed National Representative