Important info for our CNTL Calgary membership
October 13, 2016
As a result of the alleged actions of some of our CNTL members in Calgary, Alberta from September 11-13, CN filed an application to the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) against Unifor for a 'Declaration of Illegal Strike' and an 'Order to Cease and Desist' pursuant to Sections 89 and 91 of the Canada Labour Code.
The CIRB conducted a hearing by teleconference on September 13 between the Union and its legal counsel, senior management and legal counsel of CN, the Regional Director and Ginette Brazeau, Chairperson of the CIRB. Following this call, Ms. Brazeau issued an Order for CNTL Calgary Owner-Operators to cease and desist from participating in any strike activities and immediately report for work. As a result of the CIRB's decision and Order, CNTL will be conducting investigative hearings in accordance Article 8 of the CNTL/Unifor Collective Agreement all of next week in Calgary from October 17-21. |
Tap on the button below to read and upload the letter issued by Unifor National Council 4000 Regional Representative Wesley Gajda to our Calgary membership concerning recent emails from members, and information on representation for next weeks' hearings:
October 2, 2016
Important info for our CNTL members on possible sanctions for alleged strike action
October 2, 2016
Overview following Unifor's September 21 meeting with CN and CNTL in Calgary
September 14, 2016
Unifor to meet with CN/CNTL to address Calgary CNTL members complaints
September 12 and September 13, 2016
CIRB issues Order for CNTL Calgary Owner-Operators to immediately return to work | Important information for our Unifor CNTL membership
October 2, 2016
Important info for our CNTL members on possible sanctions for alleged strike action
October 2, 2016
Overview following Unifor's September 21 meeting with CN and CNTL in Calgary
September 14, 2016
Unifor to meet with CN/CNTL to address Calgary CNTL members complaints
September 12 and September 13, 2016
CIRB issues Order for CNTL Calgary Owner-Operators to immediately return to work | Important information for our Unifor CNTL membership