Thanks to Mark Robinson
August 6, 2018
Following the recent elections for Unifor Council 4000 Regional Representatives, we must say goodbye to Mark Robinson who has departed from his position effective July 1, 2018.
Brother Robinson has been the Council's Regional Representative servicing the Unifor Local 4003 membership at CN and Toronto Terminals Railway (TTR) since he was first appointed on an interim basis part way through CN bargaining in 2014. He went on to be elected to his first full term beginning on July 1, 2015. This is one of the difficult aspects of elections as we sometimes have to say goodbye to otherwise dedicated people. We thank Brother Robinson for his years of service and dedication to the membership he served. He worked diligently for the Union and on behalf of the membership. He will be returning to CN's operations at MacMillan Yard in Concord, Ontario. |
Brother Robinson is being replaced by Kendall Montrose, who was elected the new Regional Representative for Unifor Local 4003 members working under Agreement 5.1 and the 5.1 Supplemental at CN, and Agreement 5.32 at Toronto Terminals Railway.
August 6, 2018 Regional Representative Election Results
May 30, 2018 First Ballot Election Results for the positions of Regional Representatives for Unifor National Council 4000
May 30, 2018 Second Ballot Election for the Regional Representative - Great Lakes Region (CN & TTR)
May 7, 2018 Election for the positions of Regional Representative for Unifor National Council 4000
May 7, 2018 Congratulations to Regional Representatives Mario Laroche and Jennifer Murray on their acclamation
April 17, 2018 Nominations for the positions of Regional Representatives
August 6, 2018 Regional Representative Election Results
May 30, 2018 First Ballot Election Results for the positions of Regional Representatives for Unifor National Council 4000
May 30, 2018 Second Ballot Election for the Regional Representative - Great Lakes Region (CN & TTR)
May 7, 2018 Election for the positions of Regional Representative for Unifor National Council 4000
May 7, 2018 Congratulations to Regional Representatives Mario Laroche and Jennifer Murray on their acclamation
April 17, 2018 Nominations for the positions of Regional Representatives